Mapping Operators to Resources

Map default Operators to Resources in Katana, so that when a Manufacturing order is created, Operator(s) are assigned to tasks automatically

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over a week ago

If you're unfamiliar, we recommend reading how Production operations, Resources, and Operators are related in Katana first.

You can map default Operators to Resources in Katana, so that when a Manufacturing order (MO) is created, Operator(s) are assigned to tasks automatically. You don't need to manually assign Operators to Production operations on Manufacturing orders, but can edit them.

Mapping default Operators to Resources:

  1. Go to the Settings screen > Resources.

  2. Here is the list of all Resources that can be assigned to Production operations. You can assign a default Operator to each Resource.

    Click on Default operator for a Resource. You will see a list of all Operators on your account (read more about adding Operators).

    Select Operators from the list. You can assign one or more default Operators for the same Resource.

    When a MO is created for a product, Katana assigns the default Operators to each Resource on the order.

Note: The Shop Floor app is available through the Advanced Manufacturing Add-on (must be on the Standard plan or higher to use)

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