Creating a Stock transfer

Creating Stock transfers is only possible if you have created multiple Locations

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple stock Locations in Katana, a Stock transfer enables you to move stock between Locations (i.e. transfer stock from one Location to another). Creating a Stock transfer is only possible if you have multiple Locations.

This article gives guidelines for creating Stock transfers. Stock transfers can be created manually in Katana by clicking on the global '+' sign and selecting + Stock transfer. This option is only visible if you have more than one Location in Katana.

At least one item must be added to each Stock transfer. You can add both products and materials.

A Stock transfer card includes the following fields:

Stock transfer # (required) - An auto-generated identifier for the Stock transfer which can be edited manually. Example: ST-1, ST-2.

Origin - The Location where you're transfering the items from. A Stock transfer will decrease the In stock quantity for the items at this Location.

Destination - The Location where you want to transfer the items. The Stock transfer will increase the In stock quantity for the items at this Location.

Transfer date - The editable date the items are transferred from one Location to another.

Item (required) - Select a product or material variant that you want to transfer to another Location. You can only select existing items on a Stock transfer card.

Quantity (required) - The quantity that you want to transfer from one Location to another for a selected item. You can only enter positive numbers that will decrease the In Stock" amount at the Origin Location and increase at the Destination Location. The Unit of Measure for the item can be edited on the product or material card.

Current in stock at Origin - The current In stock quantity for the item at the Origin Location. If you entered the quantity to transfer, it will display the stock level after the transfer.

Current in stock at Destination - The current In stock quantity for the item at the Destination Location. If you entered the quantity to transfer, it will display the stock level after the transfer.

Note: Be aware that if the quantity you are transferring is larger than the In Stock quantity for the item at the Origin Location, the In stock quantity at the Origin location will become negative.

Cost per unit - Displays the Average cost of the item per one unit in the Inventory at the Origin Location. Cannot be changed manually on the Stock transfer card.

Transfer value - Displays the total value of the transferred items for each row. Calculated as Quantity x Cost per unit. Cannot be manually changed.

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