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Tutorial videos
Gain insight into using Katana through easily digestible videos
Video: How Katana worksDiscover Katana’s features in an 8-minute video, showcasing efficient manufacturing and sales management.
KATANA VIDEO ACADEMYA comprehensive video catalog covering the main functionalities of Katana
Video: Full Katana DemoThis is a 1-hour video covering Katana's main functionalities in detail.
Video: The Winning Formula for D2C ManufacturersUseful for manufactures using Shopify, WooCommerce, QuickBooks, or Xero
Video: Custom Make-to-Order Manufacturing WorkflowLearn how to add customization into your Make-to-Order workflow
Webinar: Work orders, Inventory, and Purchasing for QuickBooks with KatanaChris Jacobs and Scott Gregory describe how to get the most out of your Katana experience