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Exporting Manufacturing orders for custom reports
Exporting Manufacturing orders for custom reports

Track and analyze your production tasks

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over a week ago

Exporting Manufacturing data from insights

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Exporting Manufacturing data from Katana

You can track and analyze your production tasks on the Make screen > Tasks tab. This view lists all your open and done Production operations that are related to open and done Manufacturing orders (MO).

Get the latest data on your open Production tasks or analyze completed tasks in the Done table of the Tasks tab.

Open Tasks

The open Tasks table includes all the production operations that haven't been completed. All those tasks are related to open Manufacturing orders. It displays the columns: Resource, MO#, MO deadline, Del. deadline, Product, Planned qty, Operation, Planned time, and Assigned To for each open task.

Tasks are grouped by Resource, giving you a list of all production operations that have been assigned to each Resource.

Some things to take notice to and analyze on this screen:

  • Check the total estimated production time that has been assigned to each Resource to estimate the upcoming workload.

  • Compare the workload of each Resource to the MO deadlines. Is it realistic to complete all the MOs by the deadline, or should you rearrange the work or add more resources?

  • Filter by Product variant to see all open tasks that are related to the same product or product variant. If there are multiple MOs for the same product or variant, it might be more efficient to complete the related tasks at once.

Analyzing completed tasks

Analyzing past manufacturing orders is best done with the manufacturing insights, that helps understanding your manufacturing costs, material usage, and resource usage.

I order to drill into a single task navigate to the Done table of the Tasks tab to access your completed Production operations. An operation is moved to the Done table if the operation has been completed, even if the MO is still open (not all operations for the MO are completed).

A Completed at date is assigned to each finished task, indicating the date the specific task completed and not the entire MO.

On the Done table, you can analyze completed work by each Resource in a specific time period.

For example, analyze the work completed by each Resource in a specific period. Use the filter for the completion date to choose a period.

The production time for a completed task is taken from the related MO card. You can define a default time for each production operation (on the related product card) and edit it on each MO. If the time spent on a task is different than the estimated default, change the production time on the MO before completing the task.

Export for further analysis

Export your open or done Tasks to a .csv file to do additional analysis. For example:

  • Analyze the total time spent on a specific product or variant in a selected period

  • Analyze the total time spent on a specific operation in a selected period

  • Compare the total production operations completed at different Locations

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