Integrating QuickBooks Online with Katana simplifies your financial workflows, allowing for real-time synchronization of sales, purchases, and inventory data.
This connection streamlines accounting tasks, enhances financial visibility, and ensures data consistency across platforms, making it essential for businesses looking to automate and optimize their financial processes.
Connecting QuickBooks Online to Katana can be done directly from inside the Integrations Marketplace.
NOTE: To successfully connect QuickBooks Online to Katana, you must be the main account owner or have admin access in QuickBooks.
Initiating the QuickBooks Online integration
In Katana, go to the Integration Marketplace and search for "QuickBooks".
Find QuickBooks Online and click Connect to QuickBooks.
If you aren't logged into your QuickBooks Online account, you will be directed to the QuickBooks login screen, where you can enter your credentials.
If you have more than one company connected to your QuickBooks account, you'll need to choose which company you'll connect to Katana.
Authorize the connection to share your QuickBooks Online data with Katana by review the information displayed and clicking "Connect" to authorize.
Afterward, you'll be redirected back to Katana, where you'll see the configuration page for QuickBooks. You can return this page at any time, by heading to the Integrations Marketplace and clicking Open configuration under QuickBooks Online.
Disconnecting the QuickBooks Online integration
To disconnect QuickBooks Online from Katana, head to the Integrations Marketplace. Find QuickBooks and click Open configuration.
On the next screen, click the 3-dots in the top right and choose Disconnect.
A confirmation will popup where you'll have to click Disconnect to finalize the disconnection.
Disconnecting to reconfigure Katana
If you're only disconnecting from QuickBooks to pause the integration to safely configure something (without worrying about an active integration), you can do this whenever.
Keep in mind that when you're ready to reconnect QuickBooks, Katana won't send over anything that was perhaps missed while the integration was disconnected.
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