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ShipBob integration

Connect Katana with ShipBob via Extensiv for streamlined order and inventory management.

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over 3 weeks ago

ShipBob is a global ecommerce fulfillment solution that allows businesses to scale, offer 2-day shipping, and manage inventory and shipments.

By connecting Shipbob to Katana (via Extensive Integration Manager), you can automate the following workflows:

  • Send sales orders from Katana to ShipBob

  • Push inventory levels from ShipBob to Katana

  • Sync fulfillment from ShipBob to Katana

How it works

To get started, we recommend creating a separate Location in Katana for ShipBob fulfilments. In Extensiv, authorize Katana as a Cart with a corresponding Location ID to enable Extensiv to import sales orders (SOs) with related info about products and customers from Katana to ShipBob.

In Extensiv, ShipBob is set as a Warehouse Management System (WMS) as it's an order destination. Extensiv adjusts inventory levels in Katana to match the info from ShipBob. The frequency of inventory level syncing is based on what is set up in Extensiv (the minimum is an hourly basis). If inventory in ShipBob does not match with Katana, Extensiv creates a Katana stock adjustment to match ShipBob.

Through this integration, SOs are sent to ShipBob (via Extensiv) when they're created (Not shipped) or when they're marked as Packed. The exact Katana SO delivery status can be chosen within the Extensiv Cart settings.

Once an order is shipped via ShipBob (WMS), the SO tracking info is added, and the confirmation status is updated to Delivered in Katana (Cart).

Connecting ShipBob with Katana

  1. Log in to Extensiv or create an account.

  2. *Only ShipBob V2 can be used

  3. Review Merchant Settings for the ShipBob sync options. You also need to authorize ShipBob as WMS in Extensiv by clicking Grant Us API Access.

  4. Once ShipBob is connected to Extensiv as WMS, head to Extensiv and select Carts from the left-side menu > New Setup > find Katana from the list > click OK to save settings.

    1. In the New Katana Setup screen, click Grant Us API Access and a new window opens containing the Katana login screen.

      Log in and follow the instructions to authorize Extensiv for requested actions. When done, return to the Extensiv window (it will let you know if the authorization was successful).

    2. Adjust Katana Cart Setup for pulling orders from Katana to ShipBob.

      • Choose the Order Import Status for pushing SOs from Katana to ShipBob. The available options are Not Shipped, Partially Packed, Partially Delivered, Packed, Delivered

      • Choose an Order Confirmation Status for what an order in Katana will be set to when pushing tracking information to Katana from ShipBob. This can be Delivered or Packed

      • Enter the Warehouse Location ID to pull orders and sync inventory for the Katana connection. If you don't know the Location ID, click the TEST button at the bottom of the page. A list of all locations in your Katana account, along with their IDs, will be listed upon a successful test

    3. General Order Options:

      • Add the Earliest Order Date from when orders need to be pulled to ShipBob

    4. General Inventory Options:

      • Push Inventory Using Alias (read more about Product Aliases in Extensiv here)

      • Select the Katana warehouse Location for inventory sync

    5. Adjust ShipBob WMS Settings for Order Type.

      • ShipBob has two Order Types – Direct to Consumer and Dropship

  5. Review the settings to ensure they match your preferences. Then, verify that the connection works by clicking Test at the bottom of the page. If the test is successful, click OK to save changes.

That should be it! You can send SOs from Katana to ShipBob, sync tracking info from ShipBob, and update inventory levels in Katana.

For help with the setup or workflow customization, contact Extensiv's team via Support portal.

Your feedback is invaluable. Let us know your thoughts on this article or anything in Katana you'd like to see improved: [email protected]

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