Deleting materials helps to maintain a streamlined and accurate inventory by removing items that are no longer needed. This allows you to eliminate unnecessary materials from their records, ensuring that inventory data remains current and manageable.
You can delete materials individually or in bulk.
Note: Materials can't be deleted if they have item variants with quantities in stock and/or are included in open orders.
To delete materials individually
Navigate to the Items screen and find your material in the Materials table. Click on the material to open a material card.
Click on the 3-dots at the top corner of the material card and select Delete from the drop-down.
To delete materials in bulk
Navigate to the Items screen > Materials table. Check the boxes of materials that you want to delete.
Click the trash can icon and a popup will appear asking if you want to permanently delete item variants.
Popup box to confirm deletion:
Whether deleting individually or in bulk, Katana will notify you if a material is currently used on any open orders or product recipes. On orders, a deleted item will be displayed with a strikethrough style.
Note: Stock movement history is removed when an item/variant is deleted
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