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Sync stock levels from Katana to Shopify
Sync stock levels from Katana to Shopify

How to sync stock levels from Katana to Shopify

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you'll find:

How to switch ON stock sync for Shopify?

You can switch ON the stock sync for Shopify either during the initial connection or from the reconfiguration flow.

1. Go to Settings screen > Integrations and find a Shopify logo.

2. If you have not connected your Shopify store to Katana yet, click on Connect. Then follow the Connecting Shopify guide. If your Shopify is already connected, the button will display Reconfigure. In either case, an integration wizard will open.

3. The third step in the connection/reconfiguration wizard enables you to turn on the stock sync. Tick Yes, automatically synchronize stock levels from Katana to Shopify.

4. Click Next and then Ok, connect my store. Your stock sync is now active!

Why should I sync stock levels to Shopify?

When connecting Shopify to Katana, you can choose whether to start syncing your stock levels from Katana to Shopify on a continuous basis.

  • Syncing stock levels to Shopify enables displaying correct inventory levels to your Shopify customers.

  • When you connect Katana to your Shopify store, we suggest using Katana as your primary tool for managing stock. Katana becomes your central point of truth for stock management, combining stock on hand with demand from various sales channels.

  • Stock levels synced from Katana to Shopify include comprehensive info of the inventory of your business, taking into account all sales channels and true stock amounts.

You can select whether Sales orders created directly in Katana affect the stock levels in Shopify or not. For example, if you enter large wholesale orders manually to Katana but wish to prevent those from reducing the available stock in Shopify, you can opt-out of this option. Read more

Should I switch the continuous stock sync ON or OFF?

We suggest switching the continuous stock sync OFF:

  • If you have connected Katana to your live Shopify store, but are still in the phase of testing Katana functionalities. Otherwise, if you switch the sync ON and change your stock levels in Katana for testing purposes, stock levels synced from Katana to Shopify might not reflect the actual status of the stock of your business.

We suggest switching the continuous stock sync ON:

  • If you have decided to implement Katana for your business and have made sure that your stock levels are correct in Katana.

  • If you have connected Katana to a test Shopify store for testing purposes or if you are just setting up your Shopify store. Stock sync enables you to experience the full value of Katana and Shopify integration.

If you are looking to switch ON the continuous stock sync after completing the initial connection, you can navigate to Settings screen > Integrations in Katana and select "Reconfigure" for Shopify. Switch ON the continuous stock sync and complete the reconfiguration wizard. Read more

How does the continuous stock sync from Katana to Shopify work?

If the stock sync from Katana to Shopify is switched ON, Katana will automatically sync stock levels for products to Shopify in live (i.e. real-time continuous sync).

1. When is the stock sync triggered?

Stock sync from Katana to Shopify for each item is triggered when the In stock or Committed quantity for the product is changed, e.g. a sales order, manufacturing order, or purchase order is created or edited for the product, or a stock adjustment created or edited.

Please note that stock levels are not synced automatically for your entire portfolio at the initial connection. Your stock levels for products will sync over time as stock changes occur in Katana.

If you wish to get your stock levels from Katana to Shopify all at once, you can easily export the Inventory list from Katana to a spreadsheet and import it to Shopify. If you have chosen to import your product portfolio from Shopify to Katana at the initial connection, then your items (including SKU codes) should match nicely between platforms and the export-import process should go smoothly.

2. Which quantity for a product is synced from Katana to Shopify?

The synced quantity for each product is calculated based on Katana data as follows:

Synced quantity = "In stock" quantity - "Committed" quantity

Additional notes on the calculation:

  • You can select whether Sales orders created directly in Katana affect the stock levels in Shopify or not. For example, if you enter large wholesale orders manually to Katana but wish to prevent those from reducing the available stock in Shopify, you can opt-out of this option when setting up the connection. In this case, the Committed quantity for those sales orders will not be taken into account in the synced quantity calculation. Read more

  • If you are using bundles or kits, it is important to note that the Committed quantity in the calculation takes into account only those product commitments where the product itself appears directly on the sales order. If you have a sales order or a manufacturing order for a bundle or a kit that includes a certain product in the product recipe (read more about bundles in Katana), then the product commitments to the bundle are not included in the stock sync quantity calculations for the product. In other words, the commitments of the product as a subassembly are not included in the Committed quantity for the stock sync calculation purposes. As those commitments are included in the Committed quantity in the Stock screen in Katana, the Committed quantity used in the calculation and the respective quantity in Katana user interface might not match. Read more about managing Shopify kits and bundles in Katana.

3. Why is Katana not syncing the "In stock" quantity but is deducting the "Committed" quantity for syncing purposes?

In Shopify, the Inventory quantity for a product displays the inventory available for sales. Inventory in Shopify is decreased when a Sales order (SO) is created, not when the SO is fulfilled.

In Katana, the In stock quantity for a product is not decreased immediately when a SO is created, but only after the SO is Packed or Delivered.

Therefore, the Inventory quantity in Shopify does not match the In stock quantity in Katana. The difference comes from inventory that is committed to open Sales orders. In Katana, commitments to open Sales orders are reflected in the Committed quantity for a product.

4. For which products are the stock synced?

Stock level is only synced for products that exist in both Katana and Shopify and have a matching Variant code / SKU. When you create a new product in Katana, then the product with the stock level is not synced to Shopify unless you create the same product in Shopify manually and make sure that they have a matching Variant code / SKU. New products are not synced from Katana to Shopify.

5. How does Katana identify whether the product exists in Shopify for stock-level sync purposes?

Products for stock sync are matched by Variant Code / SKU:

- The Variant code of a product variant in Katana is matched to the SKU Code in Shopify. If a match is found, then the stock level is synced to the matching product in Shopify.

- If more than one SKU code match is found in Shopify (you have multiple products with the same SKU in Shopify), then the stock level is synced to all products in Shopify which have the same SKU.

Tip: Keep your Variant Codes / SKU Codes unique in Katana and match as many Shopify products to one Katana product through the same SKU as you want. All those products in Shopify get the same stock level from Katana.

- If the Variant Code in Katana does not match with any SKUs in Shopify, then the stock is not synced. New products will not be created in Shopify when the match is not found.

- If you have multiple products (variants) with the same Variant code / SKU in Katana, then the stock level of the product variant that was created at the latest date will be synced to the matching SKUs in Shopify.

6. How does the stock sync work when I have connected multiple Shopify stores to Katana?

The integration works exactly in the same way for each store. If you have the same product (i.e. same SKU) in multiple Shopify stores, Katana will sync the stock for the product to all those stores.

Stock sync with multiple Locations

If you have multiple Locations either in Shopify or Katana, you are asked to map your Shopify store to certain Katana Locations when connecting your store. Read more

You are able to map your POS Locations (e.g. retail store) to Katana locations. Stock from a specific Katana Location is used for syncing stock for a POS Location.

What about my other Shopify Locations (not POS)?

The stock levels from the Katana Location that is mapped to your Shopify Online Store Location will be pushed to the Location in Shopify that's used for online orders.

All non-POS Shopify Locations that you have not mapped to any Katana Locations will be automatically mapped to the Katana Location that is selected for your Shopify Online Store orders.

In that case, Katana pushes the stock level from that Katana Location to all of those Shopify Locations that have not been mapped (i.e. each of those Shopify Locations will have exactly the same quantity of stock).

As a result, the total stock quantity in Shopify might be incorrect as the total quantity in Shopify adds up the stock from all Locations. Still, the stock quantities in Katana are correct and when using Katana X Shopify integration, we recommend using Katana as the central point of truth for managing your stock.

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