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Creating a Quote

Create and manage quotes in Katana, converting them to sales orders upon confirmation.

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over 2 months ago

Through quotes, you can draft potential sales without immediate stock commitments. Once confirmed by the customer, these quotes can be converted into sales orders, ensuring flexibility in sales negotiations and effective inventory management.

Creating a Quote

You can create a Quote by clicking on the global + Create and selecting + Quote.

Katana's quick-add menu with Quote highlighted

This will create a Quote card with the following information (this info is transferred over to a SO once the Quote is Confirmed):

Quote info

The name of the customer who is purchasing the product.

*Sales order #
The unique identifier for the Quote. This is auto-generated but can be edited if desired. Example: SO-1, SO-2

*Delivery deadline
The editable date for when Quote items need to be delivered to the customer.

*Created date
The creation date of the Quote. By default, it will match the day it was added but can be adjusted.

*Order currency
Here you can choose which currency the order uses. By default, this will be the currency set in your Settings. (Users on the Advanced or higher plans can use multicurrency).

Bill to
The address is connected to who will be paying the order. By default, it is set to the customer billing address.

Ship to
The physical address where the order is delivered. Set to the customer billing address by address.

Ship from (only visible if you added more than one Location)
This field lets you select which Location the Quote is shipped from.

* = Required

Line items

At least one item needs to be added to each Quote. Only products (not materials) can be added to a Quote.


The item being sold. You can select an existing item and its variants or create a new one by typing in the product name and selecting Create new "product name" from the dropdown. Read more about creating a product. ​

Note: The field value is a combination of Variant Code, Item name and Variant Option values (e.g. "[P-1] MyProduct / White").


Amount of product being sold. The Unit of measure for the item can be set and edited on the item card. Katana allows a maximum of 5 decimal places.

*Price per unit

The editable default sales price (excluding taxes) for a product.

Total price

A non-editable calculated field showing the Quantity x Price per Unit.

Tax %

The applicable Tax rate (e.g. VAT, GST) for the item. Select a tax rate from the dropdown menu. Adjust the Default Tax rate and edit, create and delete Tax rates from Settings screen > Tax rates.


If you're using multiple locations on your account, you can choose which location this item is coming from and see the availability at that location.

Shipping fees

You can include shipping fees on quotes. Read more about shipping fees in Katana.

Additional info

You can add comments to any Quote, such as specific instructions to sales personnel, fulfillment or delivery details, reference numbers, references to the location of relevant files, etc.


Each Quote has a Status that can be changed either in the Quotes table or inside of a Quote.

All new Quotes have a Pending status, which means the customer has not confirmed the quote, and the Items have not participated in stock commitments yet.

Once you receive approval from the customer, change the status to Confirmed. The Quote will become an SO and be added to the bottom of the Open tab of the Sales orders table in the Sell screen.

Read more about using the Sell screen.

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