Katana allows you to sell products in multiple currencies, facilitating international transactions and accurate financial reporting. This supports automatic currency conversion and updates, ensuring that sales orders are processed in the preferred currency of the customer.
If you sell online, your orders will be imported in the currency they were originally created in the e-commerce store, and then converted to your base currency. Read about how multicurrency works with Shopify or WooCommerce.
With multi-currency, you can:
To create a non-base currency SO
Create a SO by clicking on the global + Create and selecting + Sales order.
Change the currency to a non-base one.
SO rows will be converted to your product price per unit based on the currency of the order. (eg. if the base currency is USD and the SO is in EUR, a Sales price of $300 will be converted to the equivalent value in EUR)
The converted total and conversion rate are visible in the totals section of the order.
Katana will update this conversion rate daily so open orders always reflect accurate prices and value in all of your SO screens.
You can fix your currency rate in a couple of ways.
If you change a customer on an SO to one that uses a different currency, Katana will ask for your confirmation if you want to convert the prices to the new customer's currency.
Additional info about SOs and multiple currencies
You can change the currency on the order, and Katana will convert all prices in the rows to that currency.
The currency field will be locked on your SO once the currency rate is fixed.
Once the rate is fixed, you are able to edit the rate.
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