Copying product recipes/bills of materials (BOM) from one product to another (including variants) is great for streamlining the recipe creation process. Duplicating existing recipes and making necessary adjustments for new products or variants also helps ensure consistency and save time.
To copy from a product recipe
On the Product recipe / BOM tab of a product card, click on Copy from... at the top right corner of the ingredients table.
Search for the product you want to use as a template.
If you entered ingredients into the current product's recipe, you will be asked to confirm the copy action, as your current recipe will be overwritten.
If the variant structure of the current product is different from the variant structure of the product you are using as a template, you can choose whether you want to copy the variant structure from the other product.
Note: Copying the variant setup from other products will overwrite the variant structure of the current product.
To copy to a product recipe
On the Product recipe / BOM tab of a product card, choose an Active variant from the dropdown and then click on Copy to... at the top right corner of the ingredients table.
Use the search field to find the product(s) you want to copy the recipe to.
Once a product(s) is chosen to copy the recipe to, you'll need to decide if you want to add the copied recipe rows to the product's existing recipe (if there is one) or if you'd rather have it replace the existing recipe.
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