Manufacturing operation routings
Taago Kilter avatar
Written by Taago Kilter
Updated over a week ago

The most efficiently way to manufacture a product is often through product operations that need to follow a specific sequence.

Operation routings can be enabled and configured in the Product card operations tab. Read more

If you're using the Shop Floor App, the routed operations are displayed in routed order. Read more

When operations are routed, there is an indication on the Manufacturing order's Operations table that Operations are in sequence.

Note: Manufacturing routings are only possible through the Advanced Manufacturing Add-on (you need to be on a Standard plan or higher to add this Add-on)

Using Routed operations on a Manufacturing order

All operations that are consecutive to each other, allow you to work with tasks that are either the first of an MO or the following one once the previous has been completed.

Operations that are parallel to each other enable you to work with tasks simultaneously.

You can also use a combination of consecutive and parallel operations.

Operations consecutive to each other have a dedicated number in the operations list, while parallel operations are grouped under a single number.

Operation statuses, depending on the previous operations to be completed, cannot be changed until the previous operation status is completed.

Using routed operations in the Tasks list

In the task list, the operation statuses are inactive since the previous operation matches the dependencies of their MOs. The statuses in the task list are only changed if the operations that the tasks depend on are completed.

Routed operations are locked for in progress MOs

If an MO with routed operations is set to In progress, the operations sequence is locked. When this happens, the operations can no longer be reordered or deleted.

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