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Price lists: setup, adding items, and connecting customers
Price lists: setup, adding items, and connecting customers

Set up and manage price lists in Katana, linking items and customers for tailored pricing.

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over 2 months ago

If you offer specific item prices based on negotiated rates to any of your customers, Katana's price lists help you easily manage these prices with them, especially if multiple customers share the same set of non-default prices.

Using price lists ensures that whenever you create a sales order (SO) for a customer associated with one, their set custom price is automatically applied. This simplifies the sales process, ensures billing accuracy, and promotes customer satisfaction through personalized pricing strategies.

Note: Price lists are only available for those on a Professional plan.

Setting up a price list

  1. Under the Sell screen select the Price lists tab. From this tab, you can create and manage existing price lists.

    Price lists tab inside the sell screen

  2. To create a price list, click on the + Price List button (you'll see the image below if this is your first price list).

    Add a price list button

    If you've already created a price list, you'll see this:

  3. Give the price list a name (i.e., wholesale price list, VIP customer, etc.), so it will be easy to remember where to use it.

    Naming a price list

Adding items to the price list

Start adding items to your price list by typing an item's name or SKU in the items table.

Adding an item to a price list

Each item added to the price list will use the following columns:

The different table columns of a price list

  • Default sales price - the item's sales price that is set on its item card

  • Adjustment method - how to calculate the customer's item price on a SO.

    There are 3 options available:

    • Fixed - using this option, the price entered in the Amount field will replace the item's default sales price on a SO.

    • Percentage - with this option, the final price will be percentage calculated based on the value entered in the Amount field. The number in the Final price column will replace the item's default sales price on a SO.

    • Markup - using this option, the final price will be increased based on the markup percentage from the Amount field

Note: Price lists can contain a maximum of 10K items.

Connecting the price list to a customer

To choose which customers to connect to the price list, navigate to the Customers tab and add a customer by typing their name into the Name column or by selecting + Add new row and typing in a customer's name.

Add a customer to a price list

Note: Price lists can be connected to a maximum of 1K customers.

Activating a price list

By default, price lists are set to an Inactive status. When inactive, price list prices won't overwrite the default sales price on an SO.

To change this, switch the price list to Active either on the price list or within the Price lists tab.

Here's how you can change the status on the Price lists tab.

Changing active status on the price lists tab

Changing from Active to Inactive

Changing a price list status from Active to Inactive will not affect the price of items that have already been added to an SO.

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