Videos playlist: Xero integrationSee how to set up the Xero and Katana integration, how the integration works and what benefits it provides
Xero integration overviewUse our Xero native integration to keep your accounting in sync with Katana
Connecting XeroConnect Xero to Katana in only a few easy steps
Mapping Xero tax ratesTax rates ensure that taxes are accounted for correctly in Xero when creating invoices based on Katana Sales orders
Syncing Katana sales orders to Xero as invoicesCreate invoices in Xero based on Katana sales orders with a single click
Syncing Katana Purchase orders to Xero as billsCreate bills in Xero based on Katana Purchase orders and Outsourced purchase orders
How to manage multiple currencies with Xero integrationSell and purchase in multiple currencies and create accounting documents in Xero that have other currencies than your Katana base currency
Disconnecting XeroDisconnect from Xero in two steps
Reconfiguring a Xero integrationHow to reconfigure Xero integration
Deleting invoices created in Xero via Katana integrationInvoices and bills created in Xero via the Katana integration can only be deleted in Xero
Syncing stock to XeroHow to sync stock to Xero to record stock levels from Katana data.
Xero FAQAnswers to six of the most common questions related to the Xero to Katana integration