The Batches tab provides comprehensive information on all batches for products and materials with batch tracking enabled. Accessible from the Stock screen, this list allows you to view, filter, and edit batch details such as batch numbers, barcodes, and expiration dates.
By default, the list displays batches with a positive quantity. You can show empty batches by changing the toggle in the top right corner. To help limit the amount of batch #s returned, expired batches will not appear in the table.
The list also displays "Unbatched" batches if they have a positive or a negative quantity.
Under the Batches tab, you can edit the following information for each batch:
Batch number
Expiration date
Created date
Editing information doesn't create a new batch, it only changes the information for the existing batch.
You cannot edit the information for an "Unbatched" batch. Read more about assigning unbatched items to specific batches.
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