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Find everything you need to know about Stock, Batch Tracking, and Barcodes

Basics of the Stock screenNavigate the Stock screen in Katana for real-time inventory management and stock updates.
Entering stock levels into KatanaEfficiently enter initial stock in Katana using direct import or stock adjustments.
What is a stock adjustment?Understand how to correct and adjust your stock levels in Katana with Stock Adjustments.
How to create a stock adjustmentLearn how to create a stock adjustment in Katana, optimizing inventory accuracy.
Duplicating a stock adjustmentEasily duplicate stock adjustments in Katana for repeated inventory processes.
How to export stock adjustmentsExport your stock adjustments from Katana to a CSV file.
Deleting a stock adjustmentDelete a stock adjustment to remove it from the stock adjustments table and reverse any adjustments it made
What is safety stock?Optimize inventory with safety stock levels, balancing stock levels and demand.
How to set a product or material safety stock levelSet an effective safety stock level to maintain optimal stock levels and prevent shortages.
Choosing an ideal safety stock levelLearn how to set the right safety stock level based on demand, supply variability, and more.
Restock notificationsStay updated with restock notifications, ensuring timely reordering and stock management.
Performing a stocktake (i.e. inventory count)Master stocktakes to ensure your inventory matches actual stock accurately.
How to bulk update stock levels and valuesBulk update stock levels and values in Katana to align inventory with actual counts.
Video: How to avoid negative stock?Watch this video to help ensure you never end up with negative stock in Katana
Where to find stock movement historyTrack stock movement history in Katana to validate inventory levels and costs accurately.
Viewing and exporting historical stockAccess and export historical stock data for specific dates in Katana for accurate records.
Recording stock movements in accounting based on Katana dataTrack and record stock movements in accounting from Katana for accurate financials.
Understanding inventory period closingLearn about Katana’s inventory period closing period to maintain accurate financials and stock records.
Understanding Moving Average Cost (MAC)Gain a better understanding of how Average Cost works
Product trackingTrack products in Katana using batch/lot numbers or serial numbers for detailed inventory management.
Overview of the Full Traceability add-onThe Full Traceability add-on gives you access to batch/lot and serial number tracking.
Improving Moving Average Cost (MAC)Katana’s updated MAC calculation ensures accurate inventory and financial records.

Video: Batch tracking and expiry datesWatch how to use batch numbers to track products and materials
Basics of batch trackingImplement batch tracking in Katana for full traceability from purchase to sale.
Enabling item batch trackingActivate batch tracking for each item in Katana to ensure detailed product traceability.
Purchasing batch-trackable itemsAssign batch numbers during purchase order receiving, enhancing product traceability.
Selecting ingredients from batches on manufacturing ordersSelect specific batches for manufacturing orders in Katana for detailed inventory tracking.
Assigning batch numbers to manufactured productsAssign batch numbers to manufactured products in Katana for full traceability from production to sales.
Batch tracking for subassembliesTrack batch information for subassemblies in Katana for precise inventory management.
Reporting batch numbers in the Shop Floor Control appReport batch numbers for ingredients used in the Shop Floor Control app to ensure accurate tracking.
Reverting manufacturing orders when items are batch-trackableRevert manufacturing orders (MOs) for batch-trackable items in Katana to adjust stock movements and batch assignments.
Assigning batches for sales items on a sales order (SO)Assign batch numbers to sales items in Katana for precise inventory tracking and fulfillment.
Batch tracking on outsourced purchase orders (OPO)Track batch numbers for outsourced purchase orders in Katana to ensure full traceability and accurate inventory management.
Selecting ingredient batches on outsourced purchase orders (OPO)Select specific ingredient batches for outsourced purchase orders (OPOs) in Katana for precise tracking and quality control.
Understanding the Batches listUnderstand the Batches list for effective inventory tracking and management.
Importing batch numbersImport batch numbers into Katana to streamline inventory management and ensure accurate batch tracking.
What is an "unbatched" batch?Learn about "unbatched" batches in Katana and how they function within inventory management.
Assigning batch numbers to "unbatched" itemsAssign batch numbers to "unbatched" items in Katana for improved inventory management and traceability.
What is an empty batch?Understand what an empty batch is in Katana and how to manage them for effective inventory tracking.
Adjusting stock for batch-trackable itemsAdjust stock for batch-trackable items in Katana to maintain accurate inventory levels and batch records.
Transferring batch-trackable stock between LocationsTransfer batch-trackable stock between locations in Katana for accurate inventory management.
Keeping historical batch data when turning off item batch trackingLearn how to preserve historical batch data when disabling batch tracking for items.
How to export batch tracking infoExport batch tracking information to a spreadsheet for better inventory management.
Disabling item batch trackingLearn how to disable item batch tracking while managing historical batch data.

Basics of serial number trackingUse serial number tracking in Katana to track a product's full history.
Enabling serial number trackingEnable serial number tracking in Katana to manage individual items with unique identifiers.
Adding serial numbers to manufactured productsAdd serial numbers to manufactured products in Katana to enhance traceability and inventory control.
Adding item serial numbers to a sales order (SO)Add serial numbers to sales orders to ensure accurate tracking and compliance.
Adding serial numbers to purchased productsAdd serial numbers to purchased products for enhanced tracking and traceability.
Basics of the Serial Numbers listLearn how the Serial Numbers list provides complete traceability for products with serial number tracking enabled.
Disabling serial number trackingLearn how to disable serial number tracking while managing existing serial data.
Converting batch tracking to serial number tracking?Changing the type tracking from batch to serial
Export historical data before disabling serial number trackingMake sure you don't lose historical data when disabling serial number tracking
Adjusting stock for serial number trackable itemsAdjust stock for serial number trackable items to ensure accurate inventory management.
How to export serial numbersExport serial numbers to a spreadsheet for efficient inventory tracking and record-keeping.
Transferring stock (serial number trackable items) between LocationsTransfer serial number trackable items between locations in Katana for precise inventory management.
Reporting serial numbers via the Shop Floor AppReport serial numbers for manufacturing tasks in Katana's Shop Floor app to ensure accurate inventory tracking.
Update serial numbers on completed manufacturing orders through importUpdate serial numbers for completed manufacturing orders to ensure accurate tracking and records.
Update serial numbers on received purchase orders through importUpdate serial numbers for received purchases to maintain accuracy.

Video: How to use barcodes in Katana10 minute video explaining how to set up and use barcodes in Katana
Basics of barcodesDiscover how Katana simplifies inventory tracking with efficient barcode scanning.
Different types of barcodesExplore the types of barcodes in Katana for tracking items, batches, and sales efficiently.
Switching Barcodes ON/OFFEasily toggle barcodes on or off in Katana to suit your inventory tracking needs.
Generating internal barcodesAutomate or manually create internal barcodes in Katana for efficient item tracking.
Bulk importing and exporting of barcodesManage barcodes for items and batches by importing and exporting in bulk via spreadsheets.
Editing barcodesModify barcodes in Katana for items and batches, ensuring data integrity and traceability.
Scanning barcodesStreamline operations in Katana with barcode scanning for receiving items, tracking ingredients, and managing stock efficiently.
Receiving with barcodesLearn how to receive stock using barcodes in Katana for efficient inventory management.
Using a barcode scanner to count stockLearn how to use a barcode scanner for efficient stock counting in Katana.
Barcode scanning hardwareMaster barcode scanning in Katana with the right hardware for efficient inventory management
Barcode standardsUnderstand different barcode standards and their use in Katana for efficient inventory tracking.
Customizing a barcode labelLearn how to customize barcode labels in Katana for tailored inventory and workflow management.