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How to create a stock transfer
How to create a stock transfer

Create a stock transfer to move inventory between locations.

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over a week ago

Stock transfers allow businesses to move inventory between different locations, such as warehouses or stores, with ease. This process ensures that stock levels are accurately updated across all locations, helping maintain optimal inventory balance and preventing stockouts or overstocking.

Note: Creating a stock transfer is only possible if you have multiple locations.

Create a stock transfer (add items individually)

Stock transfers can be created manually by clicking on the global '+' sign and selecting + Stock transfer or by going to the Stock screen > Stock transfers tab > clicking + Stock transfer.

Where to create a stock transfer

Each stock transfer must include at least one item, and you can add both products and materials.

Create a stock transfer (add items in bulk)

To make your life a bit easier, you can also head to the Stock screen > Inventory tab, select all of the items you want to transfer and choose the Transfer stock button.

After clicking Transfer stock, you'll need to choose the destination of the item.

Choose a destination to transfer stock.

Stock transfer fields

Stock transfer # (required) - An auto-generated identifier for the stock transfer (example: ST-1, ST-2).

Origin - The location where you're transferring the items from. A stock transfer decreases the in stock quantity of items at this location.

Destination - The location where you want to transfer the items to. A stock transfer increases the in stock quantity for the items at this location.

Transfer date - The date the items are transferred from one location to another.

Item (required) - Select an existing product or material variant that you want to transfer to another location.

Quantity (required) - The quantity that you want to transfer from one location to another for the selected item. You can only enter positive numbers that will decrease the in stock amount at the origin location and increase it at the destination location. The unit of measure for the item can be edited on the product or material card.

Current in stock at origin - The current in stock quantity for the item at the origin location. If you entered the quantity to transfer, it will display the stock level after the transfer.

Current in stock at destination - The current in stock quantity for the item at the Destination Location. If you enter the quantity to transfer, the stock level will be displayed after the transfer.

Note: If the quantity you are transferring is larger than the in stock quantity for the item at the Origin Location, the in stock quantity at the origin location will become negative.

Cost per unit - Displays the average cost of the item per unit in the inventory at the origin Location. It Cannot be manually changed on a stock transfer card.

Transfer value - Displays the total value of the transferred items for each row. Calculated as quantity x cost per unit. Cannot be manually changed.

Stock transfer statuses (workflow)

Stock transfers can have 3 statuses:

  • Created - the stock transfer has been made but has not left its location

  • In transit - the stock transfer is traveling between locations

  • Received - the stock transfer has been received at the new location

When you first create the stock transfer, it will be in the Created state. If you've added the stock and sent out the transfer (but it hasn't been received in the other location yet), you'll change the status to In transit. Once the transfer has been received, change it to Received.

If you change the transfer to In transit or Received, and you want to change it back to Created, you'll need to click the 3-dot button and choose Revert.

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