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Changing the configuration of your BigCommerce integration connection
Changing the configuration of your BigCommerce integration connection

How to change BigCommerce connection configurations

Michael De Giovanni avatar
Written by Michael De Giovanni
Updated over a week ago

To change BigCommerce's connection settings after you've already completed the initial connection to Katana, navigate to Settings screen > Integrations and click Reconfigure next to the BigCommerce integration logo.

You can change all the settings that were selected during the initial connection of Katana and BigCommerce, including:

  • Sync all BigCommerce products to Katana.

  • Sync all BigCommerce customers and addresses to Katana.

  • Select a default tax rate used to define Default sales prices for products in Katana.

  • Whether to import custom items on Sales orders (SO) to Katana.

  • Whether to sync order fulfillment statuses between Katana and Shopify.

TIP: Resyncing products and customers

Going through the configuration wizard again is a good way of retriggering syncs for products and customers. If you've created products or customers in BigCommerce that may not have synced to Katana (they haven't appeared on any synced Sales orders), complete the wizard again to resync all missing products and customers and their data.

What happens if you change BigCommerce order connection configuration settings?

  • Only changes that are made after the sync is switched on are synced to Katana.

  • Custom items are not added to already existing Sales orders in Katana if you initially selected not to import custom items from BigCommerce in the integration configuration.

  • Order fulfillment states are updated between Katana and BigCommerce only at the times the corresponding configuration is switched on. If the order fulfillment state was changed before the state sync was switched on it is not synced.

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