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Connecting BigCommerce

Find out how to connect to BigCommerce and configure the integration to your needs.

Michael De Giovanni avatar
Written by Michael De Giovanni
Updated over a month ago

Connecting BigCommerce to Katana can easily be done directly from inside Katana. If you have multiple BigCommerce stores, you can also connect them from inside your Katana account.

After you've connected your first store, you can connect additional ones by searching "bigcommerce" in the Integration Marketplace and clicking Connect on the app.

Initiating the BigCommerce integration

  1. Go to the Integration Marketplace, search for "bigcommerce", and click on Connect under the app.

  2. Add your BigCommerce store hash and click Authorize.

  3. After clicking Authorize you'll be directed to BigCommerce where you'll need to log in to your store and click Confirm. After confirming, you'll be redirected to Katana's Bigcommerce setup.

Bigcommerce integration setup

During the integration setup, if you use multiple Locations in Katana, you can map your locations between platforms.

Locating mapping

From the dropdown, select a Katana Location for BigCommerce orders.
All orders placed by customers in your online store will import to this Location. If you have other sales channels connected to your BigCommerce account, these orders will also be pulled into that Location. Read more

Next, you'll be directed to a 4-step setup of which information to import and sync between BigCommerce and Katana:

Order sync

  • Add customers and products associated with Open orders.
    All your customers and products related to Open orders will be imported from BigCommerce to Katana, and this sync will remain switched on. These imported customers and products will appear in Katana's Contacts and Items screens and can be used on future Sales orders (SO). If a product uses variants in BigCommerce, a matching variant structure will be created for the product in Katana.

  • Add custom items on open orders as products.
    During the initial configuration of the integration, you can choose to import custom items from BigCommerce orders to Katana.

    • If checked, BigCommerce's custom items will be created as products in Katana. A new product will be created for each custom item, and not matched to existing products in Katana. (Read more)

  • Import shipping cost.
    With this option, shipping costs on BigCommerce sales orders will be imported to Katana sales orders.

    • What is imported from BigCommerce:

      • Shipping method

      • Cost

      • Tax rate if applicable

      Note: This won't import BigCommerce's shipping settings, only the cost of shipping on sales orders.

  • Include existing and future Awaiting fulfillment status orders.
    This is as core functionality and the sync cannot be switched off. This imports all orders with Awaiting fulfillment status. (Read more)

  • Include existing and future Awaiting payment status orders.
    Select whether you want to import open Sales orders from BigCommerce with Awaiting Payment status. (Read more)

  • Order fulfillment statuses sync.
    If checkmarked, when a Delivery status for a SO is changed to Delivered in Katana, the fulfillment status in BigCommerce will change to Fulfilled (and vice versa).

On the next screen, you can choose which data to import from BigCommerce to Katana during the initial connection.

Initial import

  • Import all customers.
    If checkmarked, all your BigCommerce customers will be imported to Katana. These customers will appear in the Contacts screen in Katana and can be used on future Sales orders.

  • Import all products including sales prices.
    If checkmarked, all your BigCommerce products will be imported to Katana. You can access products from the Items screen in Katana.
    You will be asked to define a tax rate percentage for the product import. This is only relevant if you use the "Prices Entered With Tax" setting in BigCommerce. The tax rate is required for defining product Default sales prices in Katana. Learn more

Note: We recommend importing less than 20,000 Bigcommerce products with the initial import. Importing a larger number of products might make Katana slower than expected.

Confirm the integration settings

Check the summary of your integration settings and click Confirm.

Sales orders, customers, and products from your BigCommerce account to Katana will begin importing. It might take a few minutes for the information to appear in Katana, but you can close the import window by clicking Go to Sales and continue using Katana during the import.

Once the import is complete, you will find the store connected within the Integrations Marketplace.

The integration is now active! All future Open SOs will be pulled automatically to Katana in real time.

If you need to disconnect from BigCommerce, you can find more information here.

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