Set permissions for managing API keys and webhooks to ensure that only authorized users can control integrations. This is crucial for maintaining secure connections between Katana and other systems, protecting sensitive data, and managing integrations effectively.
The manage API keys and webhooks permission allows users to manage API keys and webhooks. Learn more about Katana API.
Account Owners always have this permission enabled. They can choose to share API keys and webhook management responsibilities with other users.
This permission is disabled for users with default access.
Users with Manage API keys and webhooks permission have access to the API section in Settings, where they can:
Create new API keys
Delete existing API keys
Create new webhooks
Manage and delete existing webhooks
Manage API keys and webhooks permission can be applied using the custom access option when inviting a new user or it can be added to an existing user by clicking their name on the Team page.
Read more about user permissions and team member roles.
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