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Team member roles

Understand Katana's team member roles: Owners, Users, and Operators for clear team functions.

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over 3 months ago

Katana defines distinct roles to ensure efficient team management and appropriate access levels. Owners manage overall settings and subscriptions, Users handle day-to-day operations with customizable access, and Operators focus on task execution in either the Shop Floor app or Warehouse app. This structure supports clear delegation of responsibilities and secure management of sensitive information.

There are three types of team members in Katana: Owners, Users, and Operators (Shop Floor and Warehouse).

DIfferent types of roles inside Katana


The Owner is usually whoever originally created the Katana account (i.e. wasn't invited) and was automatically made the account Owner.

An Owner has access to all of Katana features (based on the account's plan), can manage the team, and is the only person who can:

  • Clear all account data

  • Manage subscription details and billing

Learn about adding team members to Katana.


Team members who've joined Katana from an invite are called Users.

By default, Users can access all the core functionalities of Katana, but can only add, remove, and edit other Users depending on if they have that Permission enabled.

A User's access can be further customized to allow for admin workflows or restrict access to sensitive info Read more about User permissions.


There are 2 types of Operators in Katana - Shop Floor Operators and Warehouse Operators.

Both types of operators can only access task lists from the app and don't have any access to the main Katana platform (The app has limited functionality compared and doesn't include any price or cost-related info for orders and items.)

Shop floor app

The Shop Floor app is a mobile-friendly web-based application for the production team on the shop floor to manage their tasks. Shop floor operators can only access their specific task list.

Warehouse app

The Warehouse app is a mobile-friendly web-based application used by warehouse teams to help fulfill sales orders (picking and packing). Warehouse operators can select any task lists from the app.

Your feedback is always appreciated. Let us know your thoughts on this article or anything else in Katana that you'd like to see improved: [email protected]

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