Change the account owner to transfer ownership and manage permissions. This process involves selecting a new owner from the current team members, ensuring that the new owner has the necessary permissions and access.
There can be a lot of reasons for needing to change the owner of an account. For example, maybe roles inside the company have changed or the person who opened the account was doing so to test Katana and simply ended up the Owner.
Whatever the reason may be, this is how you can change it.
Note: Only an account Owner can assign someone as the new Owner to the account.
Changing ownership
Log in to your Katana account using the account owner's credentials.
Click on the account name in the top right corner and select Team from the drop-down menu.
A list showing all the team members will appear.
Find the current account Owner's name from the list and click on the 3-dots button on the same row as the person.
Click Transfer ownership.
A popup will open where you can choose a new owner.
Once the ownership transfer has been confirmed:
The current Owner's role will change to a User role and with all default and admin user permissions. Read more about user permissions.
The previously selected user becomes the Owner of the account.
The billing email changes to the new Owner's email address.
Read more about team member roles in Katana.
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