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How to update products and variants through importing
How to update products and variants through importing

Efficiently update existing products and variants in Katana using the bulk import feature.

Dayvid Lorbiecke avatar
Written by Dayvid Lorbiecke
Updated over 2 months ago

Update existing products and variants through spreadsheet bulk importing. This article explains how to prepare and upload data for bulk modifications like updating SKU codes, product names, categories, and default sales prices. It provides a streamlined approach to managing large volumes of product data efficiently.

You can bulk-update products and variants in Katana via spreadsheet (XLSX) imports.

The most common cases for bulk updating:

  • Importing Variant codes (SKU) to products. If you have a long list of products in Katana without Variant codes, it might be more efficient to generate the SKU codes in the spreadsheet and upload them into Katana, rather than enter them directly into Katana manually.

  • Updating Product names, Categories, Default Sales Prices, Barcodes, or Additional info for products in bulk.

  • Updating safety stock levels for products in bulk.

  • Updating default storage bins for products in bulk (this is a Standard and higher plan feature).

  • Enabling serial numbers or batch tracking for products in bulk (this feature is part of the Full Traceability add-on, which is automatically available on Professional plans).

  • Updating default suppliers and purchase prices for purchasable products in bulk.

  • Katana's overwriting template and workflow are separate from the functionality of adding new products and variants. Read more about adding new products and variants via spreadsheet.

Note: Download will only include active (non-archived) products

Bulk update existing products via import

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data import in Katana.

  2. Find Update existing products and safety stock levels and select Download data.

    Update existing products and safety stock levels area from data import

  3. A spreadsheet (in XLSX format) with all your Katana product data will be downloaded. This template includes a Katana ID column used for match the products you're importing with those already in Katana.

  4. Make any necessary changes to the product data in the spreadsheet.

  5. Import the file back into Katana by selecting Upload data next to Update existing products and safety stock levels in Data import.

    Where to upload the spreadsheet for updating products and safety stock levels

  6. Matching data in the updated spreadsheet will overwrite Katana's existing product data.

Tip: Creating .xlsx on Mac. Open the spreadsheet in Numbers and choose File > Export to > Excel... from the menu at the top of your screen.

Tip: Creating .xlsx in Google Sheets. Open the spreadsheet in Google Sheets and choose File > Download as > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).

Import rules to keep in mind

  1. The Katana ID included in the spreadsheet matches imported products to existing Katana products. This ID isn't visible inside Katana and is purely used for matching products.

  2. Any import products without a matching Katana ID will be skipped.

  3. Any changes in the spreadsheet will update product data in Katana except for data in the Product variant column. This column is only included in the spreadsheet to help with identification purposes.

  4. The Sell?, Make?, and Buy? columns accept the following values: "Yes", "yes", "Y", "y", "No", "no", "N" and "n". At least one of these columns needs a positive field, or the row will be skipped during import.

  5. The Product tracking? columns allow you to enable batch or serial number tracking for products by entering:

    • batch” to enable batch tracking

    • serial” to enable serial number tracking

    • no/none” to disable tracking

    Note: The values above aren't case-sensitive. For example, you can use either “Batch” or “batch“.

  6. If a product has multiple variants, changing the Product name in the spreadsheet for only one variant won't split the product variants into multiple product cards in Katana, but it will overwrite the product name for the original product.

  7. Updating product barcodes. This is a Standard plan or higher feature and this field is only available in the template when you are using a higher plan.

    Supplier item code - Add or change one or more supplier item barcodes to identify raw materials and purchasable products. Multiple barcode numbers are separated by a comma "," to your item variant as a supplier item code. Supplier item codes are imported if the supplier item code is switched on in the barcode settings.

    Internal barcode - Assign or change internal barcodes to track inventory movements. Barcode numbers are between 3-40 digits.
    Internal barcodes are only imported if they are switched on in the barcode settings. If they are generated automatically, they are not imported.

    Registered barcode - Assign or change a registered barcode to your retail products. Registered barcode numbers are between 3-140 digits. Registered barcodes only import if the registered barcode is switched on in the barcode settings.

  8. If you change the Default supplier to a supplier with a different supplier currency, the default purchase prices of this item will be converted to the new supplier's currency.

  9. Updating Default purchase prices for purchasable products in bulk.

    1. Starter plan: purchase price is per purchase unit of measure and in your base currency.

    2. Standard, Professional, Professional Plus plans: purchase price is per purchase unit of measure and in the currency of the default supplier of the item. Updated price values entered here are not converted anymore. Read here about purchase prices in foreign currency.

    Note. If you don't have a different purchase UoM set, the default purchase price is considered per tracking unit of measure.

  10. If you have multiple Locations in Katana, the file will include multiple rows for each item variant (one row for each Location). This is so you can update safety stock levels and default storage bins for items (which are Location-specific values in Katana).

  11. If you have multiple locations in Katana and there are multiple rows for each item variant in the file, and you change product data (e.g. product name, category, default sales or purchase price, serial number/batch tracking settings) on one row but not on the other, the values for the bottom row of this item variant in the file will be imported.

  12. Empty cells are ignored during import and will not overwrite existing data, except in the case of barcodes. This allows you to delete barcodes in bulk.

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